寻羊冒险记-寻找村上春树原名:A Wild Sheep Chase - In Search of Haruki Murakami,
内容很详细,很优秀的一部片子。****道做的。 In this impressionistic film, Alan Yentob travels in Japan through the strange, labyrinthine landscape of Murakami's fiction on a jazz-fuelled 'wild sheep chase' of a journey. In Tokyo and Kobe he delves into the social and political background of Murakami's work and encounters his fans, critics, translators and a talking cat. A Wild Sheep Chase: In Sear...
やま 2010-01-01
既然要有翻译过的voice-overs,为什么还要用那么厚的日本口音翻译 =________= 真jiong
Helenhelen 2011-05-07
Celeste 2011-01-24
It's not the answer,but the journey and experiences that really matter.Start a journey to find out what's inside myself,now.
远游 2010-03-28
****://v.youku****/v_show/id_XNjI3NTA4ODA=.html 原来只是寻访,村上大叔自始至终没有出现==
monomania 2014-05-13
"The journey is inside myself." Murakami has always been and will always be one of ** favorite writers of all time.
程智 2018-10-14
睡美 2009-08-12
彤管 2010-11-17
阿金库尔 2013-06-21
seleucids 2010-01-23