「They want the names, David, that's why we're here. Come on, you can't beat these bastards. You keep this up and they'll tear up your goddamn head off. → They've already done that. **** them!」「I might not be the best citizen in this country, but I was raised to stand up for what I believe in, and I'm going to raise ** son in the same way, and as hard as that is sometimes, I'm gonna try to live it, and if that isn't what a real American is, then we've failed!」
闲人 2011-08-13
影养青年 2010-02-22
Q·ian·Sivan 2018-09-03
「They want the names, David, that's why we're here. Come on, you can't beat these bastards. You keep this up and they'll tear up your goddamn head off. → They've already done that. **** them!」「I might not be the best citizen in this country, but I was raised to stand up for what I believe in, and I'm going to raise ** son in the same way, and as hard as that is sometimes, I'm gonna try to live it, and if that isn't what a real American is, then we've failed!」
Granite_花花 2013-06-12
吴冠錡 2024-06-14
胤挽仪 2020-06-26
同样是表现个人苦难,跟第五代导演的作品比起来完全没力度,可见好莱坞的精英们的确也没受多少值得树碑的苦难。演员见过本尊的有Robert De Niro, Annette Bening, Chris Cooper和Martin Scorsese。
(๑⁼̴̀д⁼̴́๑) 2018-12-29
Charlie 2014-11-11
Prof. Zick对我说希望你上完这门课不要觉得美国司法太黑暗了。一切认为的法律是历史,精神,文化,逻辑的积淀在少数者掌权定义的“国家”里都是如此渺小。最后的法庭辩论讽刺很精彩。
酥酥早上好 2019-07-14
影片前半段比较平庸 但在最后喷薄而出 最后对簿公堂的那场戏让人有淋漓尽致的感觉 一个人甘愿失去一切 但他守住了内心的正义 这是世界上最困难的一件事情 这不是傻也不是愣 这是人性最美好的部分
好你个小蘑菇 2024-02-17