别名:突尼斯狂魔 / Le Challat de Tunis / The Challat of Tunis
演员: Mohamed Slim Bouchiha Jallel Dridi Moufida Dridi Narimène Saidane
上映时间:2013-12-04(迪拜电影节) / 2014-04-01(突尼斯)
突尼斯的刀锋原名:شلاط تونس,又名突尼斯狂魔、Le Challat de Tunis、The Challat of Tunis
Tunisia, before the revolution. A man on a motorbike, razor blade in hand, prowls the streets of Tunis slashing women's buttocks. They call him The Challat, aka "The Blade", and the mere mention of his name provokes fascination and terror. Is he a lone criminal, an ***** legend, or could he be the creation of a political group or religious fanatics? 10 years later, in the after...
三岛 2024-04-13
@festivalscope 一种态度,联想到柴记者去年的纪录片,同样是女性对于男性犯罪者的态度。本片还试图从剧作上还原罪犯,以求达到伪纪录片的效果,同时选用同类**改编而成的游戏作为另一种媒介试图再现这些男性的现实心理,但最后影片呈现效果“差强人意”,而这种“差强人意”也从影像制造的层面映照出持摄影机的女性被男性侵犯、禁止的处境。
Hello 2016-11-27
徐内向 2016-11-28
大二炜 2016-11-13