

演员: Jay Baruchel ... Reed Fish Alexis Bledel ... Kate Peterson Schuyler Fisk ... Jill Cavanaugh


更新时间: 05-28 10:06

资源状态: 可播放





单身汉 克里斯·奥唐纳、蕾妮·齐薇格 6.5
这个男人,女人要 马科·格林斯、Julia Thurnau 7.2
1. 爱情导师/ 03-09
2. 麻雀变王妃3/ 03-19
3. 命运的宣战/ 09-24
4. 新郎上错床/ 12-01
5. 飞车手罗德/ 05-30
7. 模范贱兄弟/ 05-17
9. 学爸/ 10-14
10. 老板娘3/ 08-30
11. 末路狂花钱/ 06-08
12. 极寒之城/ 10-05




瑞得斐氏自传原名:I'm Reed Fish,

Reed Fish's life turns into chaos when a high school crush returns to Mud Meadows on the *** of his marriage to the small town's sweetheart.

UrthónaD'Mors 2009-10-04




四喜**吃吃吃 2014-12-05

grown up and became anybody except myself

唐大克。 2009-04-15

Gill唱的那个歌。赞啊。 故事最后为什么要搞得那么复杂?

zhaodaole 2009-02-01

I knew I was not impressed by the movie intr. at the first place. I planned on watching it just because the girl on the cover liked like Alexis Bledel (who acted in Gilmore Girls). I am really thankful I did it.It was a such good little movie. Change or n

kiki 2011-02-08

Lame movie with ***** music. I thought the leading girl was too plain even for an low budget indie film until I heard her sing.

Yelena 2011-03-25

I heart Jay Baruchel <3 He is such a dork lol.

terf 2009-05-04


Juno duno 2014-07-07

发现我的审美取向:creepy& skinny

阿蚪可以燎原 2016-08-18
