角色转换原名:Model Behavior,又名模特习惯、模特生活
Disney's Model Behavior demands a lot of most viewers. First there's the premise--that a typical tortured teenager could pull off trading places with a hot **** supermodel for a week based solely on a passing resemblance. And then there are the characters. Who's going to buy ***** of Five's exceptionally pretty Maggie Lawson as class geek Alex Burrows, whose best friend lovingl...
SoulOnFire 2013-02-16
Joséfina Izana 2008-05-25
Don't like the ending much.
dbhk 2014-07-09
仔细一看才发现原来是**** Movie,不是我的菜,弃看。
billie 2013-03-30
vivian 2010-12-29
看了才想起来,原来justin也演过戏呀~ 这部片子我挺喜欢的,其实现实生活中如果真的能和人互换一下角色有时也不乏精彩和审视呢
CallMe Camille 2014-10-01
南滨路精神股东 2019-07-27
Aaa 2014-05-25
又是一部难寻的老电影,迪斯尼出品的电视电影,**幼稚剧情,重温了一遍,非常怀念... ...
荒*少女朴赞郁 2023-03-27
sharon 2010-09-01
This is a story that I've rememberd since so young