感情专一的人原名:portrait of a serial monogamist,又名一妻一妻制的画像
A forty-something lesbian, and accomplished breakup artist, leaves her long-standing girlfriend to pursue a younger woman, only to be haunted by memories of the past, and the growing realization that she may have broken up with the love of her life.
137****2668 2016-02-06
ddrk西洋菜 2016-02-19
longer 2016-01-28
Nee 2017-08-23
Is it possible to end a relationship with dignity? The answer is very ******. This surprisingly clever and moving film invite the viewer to Elsie's monogamist world, where she had to travel back to her past, to make a better future for herself. Love the ***** Toronto scenery.
来过倒 2016-08-15
看的是英文字母的,有点懵懵懂的感觉。最后how long will you to wait。这结局和我自己很像。我是觉得如果另一半没有珍惜,要分开,那我一旦决定完全放下,我就会离开的很彻底。所以,要多多珍惜眼前人。
Dusk 2016-03-27
how long will u willing wait for someone没有**结局出乎意料却在情理之中,看的英字不是很懂电影想要表达什么,珍惜眼前人?及时行乐?关系的多元性?好像都有但是又不明确的感觉。