家庭事务原名:A Family Affair,
Rachel flees NYC after another traumatic breakup and arrives at her parents' home in San Diego. They are adamant to see their wayward daughter settle down with a nice girl. Rachel goes on several blind dates that misfire badly. She finally lets her mother set her up with Christine, a typical Californian girl. Much to Rachel's chagrin, mom is right! Meanwhile, Rachel's friends w...
YiQiao 2023-11-29
2.5//部分情节真实得仿佛自传 女主角对自我的性别和性向认知还蛮典型的 而她又呈现出某种比较典型的银幕***形象 就感觉是个非常典型的典型形象 整体设置的家庭关系过于和谐 也就将讲述的重点聚焦于女主角自身的成长 尤其是在她表现出对承诺和长期婚姻关系的极度畏惧时//其实她的长相还挺有魅力的 就是说明法令纹太深和眼袋太大实在容易显得老相
小童鞋一名 2015-12-13
Commitment issue. But how the hell can Rachel land babe like Erica Shaeffer?!
老妖 2015-12-24
讨厌豆瓣酱 2022-05-06
longer 2015-11-27
Further Closer 2016-03-03
There's no way to avoid hurting. The only thing we can do is to make commitment otherwise we are just a shadow passing through time.
无所不能62 2016-01-08
万千熏 2016-12-26
Mar🌈 2015-11-30
女一颜值欠点儿 女二不错 EX必须摒弃 不回头