They got you fightin' white against colored, native against foreign, hollow against hollow, when you know there ain't but two sides in this world - them that work and them that don't. You work, they don't. That's all you got to know about the enemy.
观感虽然沉重,但以咱铁锅视角却能从中燃起希望——看,百年前的灯塔也不怎么灯塔啊,他们也是从暗淡无光中奋力拼出灯塔的。 诚然: ➊要和平非暴力地灯塔起来(如男主极力主张的那样),非常难。各方影响因素太多太杂。 ➋要有We got to take care of ourselves(小男孩Danny说的)的意识和勇气就不容易了,还要从We got to take care of ourselves 迈向We got to take care of each other(男主说的),就更难更难。 PS:一眼认出来了Bob Gunton(The Shawshank Redemption里的典狱长)。
Février 2024-01-20
"Now they got you fighting white against colored, native against foreign, hollar against hollar, when you know there ain't but two sides to this world, them that work and them that don't."
摩托** 2022-01-09
Solidarity forever, For the union makes us strong.
** 2015-11-01
20年代西弗州煤矿小镇的罢工**,最开始和其他看过的工会主题的电影一样,小青年来到需要组成工会的小镇游说,启发民智,但这毕竟已是一百多年前的事(是真事...)最终竟演变成以暴制暴血流遍野的惨剧,太令人难受了... 除了中间的女性角色写得略浮夸,整体不错,尤其还有帅叔们年轻时
Shawn Chan-SY 2019-06-17
作為一個紀錄片看不錯,可惜沒有太多資金,畫面和音效做得不太好。 但是影片確實表現了工人和工會組織者的幾個問題,一個老工人的經驗和團結力比工會人要強,而層出不窮的工賊和挑撥離間手段,也使得組織者的領導作用至為重要。 然而,組織者有了大工會才能有新社會的想法,沒法滿足再進一步的工人,槍戰是這場衝突的必然,只是來得有點太快、太不是時候了。
发际线靠后 2021-09-15
BSCτ133FL,Capitalists always win!
Angry River 2019-07-25
They got you fightin' white against colored, native against foreign, hollow against hollow, when you know there ain't but two sides in this world - them that work and them that don't. You work, they don't. That's all you got to know about the enemy.
paradiso 2020-05-30
很像意大利左翼电影但在1987年的美国制作一部*****工会斗争团结本来内耗的本土红脖意裔**和外来黑人劳工就蛮惊人的,Sayles专攻的群像戏,初次与**Chris Cooper(我太喜欢他的脸了...)**。可惜情节设置本身还挺脸谱挺程序化的反派特别狗腿子斗争过程么也挺眼熟,一个特点是强烈反对暴力对抗末尾西部片式的枪战在这个语境里应该是算是一种失败。优点在于环境气氛表达上佳,摄影极其优美黑夜烛光等等颇具当年马利克电影的范儿。听着很20年代的乡村福音歌曲跟**民谣居然都是作曲家现写的,老年女歌手Hazel Dickens嗲。片中作为**传人的红脖小弟居然是那个唱作人Will Oldham,原来他是童星出身?!
冲鸭 2022-08-29
乌米诺乜鲁玛吉 2023-06-01
观感虽然沉重,但以咱铁锅视角却能从中燃起希望——看,百年前的灯塔也不怎么灯塔啊,他们也是从暗淡无光中奋力拼出灯塔的。 诚然: ➊要和平非暴力地灯塔起来(如男主极力主张的那样),非常难。各方影响因素太多太杂。 ➋要有We got to take care of ourselves(小男孩Danny说的)的意识和勇气就不容易了,还要从We got to take care of ourselves 迈向We got to take care of each other(男主说的),就更难更难。 PS:一眼认出来了Bob Gunton(The Shawshank Redemption里的典狱长)。
Février 2024-01-20
"Now they got you fighting white against colored, native against foreign, hollar against hollar, when you know there ain't but two sides to this world, them that work and them that don't."
摩托** 2022-01-09
Solidarity forever, For the union makes us strong.
小悬子 2017-09-17
2017.09.17 劳工们的阶级情谊很感人,镇长和警长的忠于职守也很感人,但伟光正的主角有点倒胃口(而且Chris Cooper的长相在我看来只适合演*角)。