尼尔·盖曼的难以置信的故事集原名:Neil Gaiman's Likely Stories,
Adaptations of the fantastical short stories written by author, Neil Gaiman. Episode 1 Foreign Parts Young loner Simon Powers is amazed to learn that he has a sexually transmitted disease as he has been celibate for three years and visits the clinic run by Dr Benham. Over the next few weeks Simon feels that his body is being taken over by somebody else though ultimately it is f...
Mademoiselle B 2016-06-17
为了Jarvis Cocker而看。故事有点吓人。每一集都会穿插Neil Gaiman的访谈录像,哈哈,比希区柯克还执着。
Karo 2022-08-09
我其实一直觉得盖曼的短片更有趣?这系列的***我是在**歌剧院的一个盖曼Q&A**上看的,当场拿到了那个时候还没发售的Norse Mythology的第一章,印象颇深。回来看完了整个系列。盖曼个人风格特别明显,也比一般改编dark,从色调到风格。可以更好,但也不错。
玛芬无声大叫 2016-07-13
three stars for Neil , one hundred stars for Jarvis(
tokamak 2016-05-31
大半夜我看完以後做噩夢到清早, 我這真是自作自受!半夢半醒間聽Neil Gaiman telling likely stories 比節目還更驚悚,人心似海啊!
脱*核糖十三 2016-06-23
"Some stories aren't true, but there is truth in every story told."
**跳跳 2020-05-02
e01是喜剧片叭,是叭??(配乐老师贾维斯:It certainly is.)Simon Powers转变之后的麦凯好帅子!
青青果酱 2020-09-04
seren 2016-06-11
Afraid ** frenzy towards Mr. Neil Gaiman has come to an end, indefinitely
MardyBummm 2020-09-19
ep01 被澳洲foreign parts的广告*到!后面的转变有眼前一亮的感觉(指荞麦
舒一苇 2023-07-11