Moune Ô在线观看和下载

Moune Ô(2022)

演员: Gilbert Jean-Baptiste




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《Moune Ô》相关推荐

我们分享了什么 Sergey Arutiunov、Tamriko Basaria
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2. 红树林学校/ 03-25
4. 咸海沙漠/ 04-25
5. 墓地/ 05-06
8. 徒劳/ 08-16
10. 角斗士2/ 01-08
11. 唐探1900/ 03-07
12. 忠犬八公/ 10-12

《Moune Ô》剧情内容介绍

《Moune Ô》


Moune Ô

“I close ** eyes. The crowd makes me smile, breaks ** body, and that’s the end.”  By presenting the festive events which accompanied the premiere of the film Jean Galmot, aventurier (1990) by Alain Maline, in which the filmmaker’s father played a role, the images of Moune Ô reveal the survival of the colonial inheritance within a western collective unconscious always marked ****...

阿飞 2022-07-20

#6th FestivalECRÃ# Berlinale2022 Forum Expanded 影像与文字/声音分属两个系统,或者说对Found Footage的调用是从侧面辅佐叙事而并没有过于实际的意义。从环保视角切入伤痕记忆,是近年来较常规的对后殖民话语的批评路径。

Q影誌 2022-02-24

#Berlinale72论坛拓展 3- 开头结尾唱歌部分不错

blood orange 2022-02-14


胤祥 2022-02-24

#72nd Berlinale# EFM online-VOD, Forum Expanded。散文电影。导演的父亲(圭亚那人)在Jean Galmot, aventurier (1990, by Alain Maline)担任了群众演员。对电影及电影首映庆祝**的录像档案素材进行再度创作(算是鬼畜哈哈哈),并分析了电影机制中的殖民话语。

Phaeton 2023-07-05
