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伊萨谷 Anna Dymna、Maria Pakulnis
意大利之秋 Daniel Olbrychski、Ena Begovic
1. 光芒/
4. 漩涡/
5. 随想曲/ 11-21
6. 啊马大/ 11-26
7. 魔鬼家族/ 12-01
9. 老师,别哭/ 09-02
10. 学爸/ 10-14
11. 女囚风暴1995/ 11-21
12. 坠落的审判/ 12-25




美洲,未知领域原名:Amérika, terra incógnita,

This is an experimental film with almost no dialogue, except for a few words in Italian in the middle of the film. Conquistadors capture an Indian (Alberto Martín) and bring him back to Europe along with birds and other exotica. He is kept at court as a specimen to be displayed and looked at. A princess in the Italian begins a clandestine affair with him and has a child. Eventu...

24格 2011-05-27

00:24:09—00:26:40/00:32:32—00:33:53/ 00:38:30—00:39:38/00:40:00—00:45:46/00:54:40—00:55:06

Mannialanck 2011-05-14
