

别名:The Fall Of Italy

演员: Daniel Olbrychski Ena Begovic




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金魂 Leopoldina Balanuta、Dora Ivanciuc
第比利斯-巴黎-第比利斯 Leila Abashidze、Rezo Esadze
1. 龙舌兰酒/ 10-28
3. 科迪内/ 11-21
4. 往事/ 12-01
5. 日子/ 12-01
6. Guaguasi/ 12-01
7. 雅库/ 12-01
8. 恶兆/ 12-01
9. 学爸/ 10-14
10. 老板娘3/ 08-30
11. 末路狂花钱/ 06-08
12. 极寒之城/ 10-05




意大利之秋原名:Pad Italije,又名The Fall Of Italy

A partisan commander had to shoot one of his comrades because he had neglected the struggle and turned to a life of lust and vice. When Italy capitulates in September of 1943 and the war seems over for many Partizans, the commander follows the very same path.  Lordan Zafranovic (born 11 February 1944 in Maslinica on the island of Solta), is an acclaimed Croatian film director. L...

二战电影馆 2020-02-05

洛丹·扎夫拉诺维奇 三部曲的第二部

米兎愛唱片 2008-04-25

creative cinematography, unique war drama. 5/5

** 2018-01-17
