In no great hurry: 13 Lessons in Life with Saul Leiter在线观看和下载

In no great hurry: 13 Lessons in Life with Saul Leiter(2014)



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《In no great hurry: 13 Lessons in Life with Saul Leiter》


In no great hurry: 13 Lessons in Life with Saul Leiter

Saul Leiter could have been lauded as the ***** the pioneer of color photography, but was never driven by the lure of success. Instead he preferred to drink coffee and photograph in his own way, amassing an archive of beautiful work that is now piled high in his New York apartment. An intimate and personal film, In No ***** Hurry follows Saul as he deals with the triple burden ...

琵琶鱼 2021-02-12

If you don't have a heart, you're very lucky. 他一直在笑着,不停的说话,我听到的却是忧伤…

荒也 2016-11-22

Saul Leiter出场就喜欢上了。“我只是一个拍窗户的人,为什么要给我拍电影”。此片能在他离世后上映,真是最好的怀念。片中拍摄手法,雾气的窗户,现代抽象画般的色彩和构图也是最好的致敬。说致敬,《卡罗尔》里的五十年代纽约和伫立在门缘,窗缘反射下的女主角们的构图产生的心理效果简直一模一样。

下午三點 2023-09-08

有趣偏执的小老头哈哈。”** photographs are meant to tickle your left ear” 是的,完全做到了,很多作品看到之后会一直想

门房大爷 2022-07-10


全职猎人 2017-05-06


葱酱 2014-01-10


小李切葱 2020-11-24


Sico 2014-01-07

Filmlinc 一副homeless模样的Saul Leiter坐在高背木椅上,絮絮叨叨,慢慢吞吞地笑谈一生。这位“纽约派”摄影家根本没有把任何称谓挂在心上,拿个小笤帚和助手一起做清扫,屋子里堆积着一生的“宝藏”,时时都有新发现。他说如果没有人真的在乎你,做再多也是徒劳。屋里一只叫Lemon的猫一直在卖萌。

Tired Zippo 2019-04-22


Sío 2020-09-18

先是B站看到讲Saul leiter的一期介绍 就找来这部纪录片看了 散是散了点 但还挺真实有趣的一些对话 照片真的耐看啊 一种柔和的朦胧美 即便时尚摄影也是