艺术家身份在这里没有那么明显,更多是家庭故事,和同是艺术家的妻子一起尖叫,sometimes need it.
苏呜呜 2019-06-07
Robert Frank confirms ** theory of the futility of ****** a documentary about an artist. sure you can make a documentary about an artist/philosopher, or an artist/activist, but it's impossible to film an artist pure and ******.
青猫 2020-12-07
艺术家身份在这里没有那么明显,更多是家庭故事,和同是艺术家的妻子一起尖叫,sometimes need it.
苏呜呜 2019-06-07
Robert Frank confirms ** theory of the futility of ****** a documentary about an artist. sure you can make a documentary about an artist/philosopher, or an artist/activist, but it's impossible to film an artist pure and ******.
西柚女孩喜*力 2021-02-09
信息量还可以,边逛纽约大街边采访有点俗了,关于Frank和beat generation的关系再挖深一点就好了。喜欢讲住在Nova Scotia的部分,以及和妻子斗嘴的段落。
[Deleted] 2019-06-03
时隔十多年之后的上映,毕竟Robert Frank有着与纽约的情缘;影片中的诉说丰富了他真实生活中的形象,寻找旧标识、缅怀子女或许能明白他作品中的悲悯的情怀