Hector has been living on the motorways for years. His once comfortable family life has been replaced by a never-ending tour of ******* stations that offer him shelter, anonymity, washing facilities and food. The story follows his journey south from Scotland on his annual pilgrimage to a temporary Christmas shelter in London where he finds comfort, friendship and warmth. Over t...
litanerr 2015-12-18
brilliant Peter Mullan; definitely a topic deserving **** attention; harsh reality but dealt in a gentle way
É 2016-01-03
stanza 2016-09-21
彷彿看到麥田捕手年老的樣子。太喜歡Peter Mullan了。故事對於流浪人的形象建立太過理性美好,但也何嘗不可,畢竟生活中的諸多苦難,都是一個念頭。那些寬恕與愛,宗教講得尤其多,這電影讓那些人性的價值不被辜負,挺好的
挖坑埋电影 2023-05-01
**片子 2023-10-19
潮湿冷飕飕的风 和温和的老头 抛弃了生活 世界 之后 还有那些明年见的家人。很暖。
Kucing_ 2023-01-14
还没有人翻译过,已翻译校对完毕~中英双语熟肉指路微博@Kucing_ 2023年04**初任务Done✅
mono 2024-01-10