同志物语原名:Pédale douce,
*** comedies are a hard genre to ****** with any subtlety; one side of the fence is occupied by movies made to mock gays for 'straight' amusement, and the other side is to mock straights for '***' amusement. Right off the top, I'll say that I enjoyed this film. Not wildly, as 20+ years ago I enjoyed 'La Cage aux Folles,' yet nevertheless it was involving, good characterization,...
兜小猪 2011-08-21
我被雷了!介造型忒毁人了~跟贝姨当年那absolut fabulous有的拼。。。and新发现是Berry叔也算可看**叔一枚,至此已经几乎搭档遍我家阿姨**,不同于我家Wilson帅果果D是这家伙一看就是100%直男一枚~嘻嘻
Kucing_ 2024-06-12
Ефан 2010-09-10
短脚猫 2024-01-11
十三姨 在扒犁 2018-10-30
Mathis 2019-01-26
笑死我了 歌也好听 Fanny Ardant 太迷人