灯泡阴谋原名:The Light Bulb Conspiracy,又名电灯泡之预知死亡纪事
Once upon a time..... products were made to last. Then, at the beginning of the 1920s, a group of businessmen were struck by the following insight: 'A product that refuses to wear out is a tragedy of business' (1928). Thus Planned Obsolescence was born. Shortly after, the first worldwide cartel was set up expressly to reduce the life **** of the incandescent light bulb, a symbo...
Grandemens 2011-11-26
独行侠**阿何 2021-01-31
第一次来**+,也是最后一次来**+。德国女导演Cosima Dannoritzer两部同题材环保纪录片连放,导演现场连线交流。第一次听说这种“计划报废”,背后有意控制产品寿命荒唐卑鄙至极,怪不得我家的节能灯经常用不到一年就坏,而六叔从瑞典带回来的节能灯竟能用将近十年,也怪不得平时买的一些电子产品老是坏!给世界上最长寿的灯泡庆生太可爱了!没想到灯泡最长可以亮足一百多年!直到今天居然仍旧亮着!好想看下它的******直播!非常鄙夷一年换一台手机的浪费奢侈行为,而我本人则有幸得到机会在导演面前表示自己所用的这台iPhone 6超过了五年,只要把坏的零件换掉就能继续使用……
安静 2013-02-03
极其不错的电影啊: the history of the planned obsolescence, the reason, the environmental effects and the aftermath and counter-power, and vision into the future. very good indeed
WALL.E 2014-03-17
香葱面包 2013-06-16
一方面Planned obsolescence能够**经济,维持就业;另一方面造成大量用品浪费环境污染。如何是好?
抓住沙丁鱼 2021-01-31
了解 消费主义就是如此罪恶.. 我们(消费者)都是被资本家*控的傀儡。看完cosima的这部纪录片,对我还是有说教意义的:不被报废计划支配,致力环保、能够少产生电子垃圾、抛弃没有任何必要追崇的消费主义 。
romqqi 2017-05-22
Galois 2021-02-01
Dannoritzer导演对Planned Obsolescence的前世今生梳理得很清晰,对于如何跳出不可持续的消费主义怪圈的难题,也提供了经济社会学家、生物可降解环保企业、***电子维修爱好者、消费者等多种角度的**。
dac 2017-07-04
The Light Bulb Conspiracy (2011)
瓦瓦 2021-04-22
The company tend to product short life things to make **** profits and keep the economy grow, kind of disgusting, but really hard to break this logic as everyone evolved in this economy growth ****. Anyway just control myself to buy things I really need and love, and robust should be put into priority for shopping in the future