别抱我,我害怕2:时间原名:Don't Hug Me I'm Scared 2: Time,
Eventually everyone runs out of time - but before that happens to you, make some time to go on a journey, a journey through directorial duo Becky Sloan and Joseph Pelling's existentialist universe of temporal confusion, TV guides and bathtime. A sequel to Becky & Joe's original mind-bending viral hit "Don't Hug Me I'm Scared", which has amassed over 13 million views on ******* ...
翡冷翠的艾吉奥 2016-01-05
这个系列也算是*******的阴暗角落了 欢迎友邻手贱搜索
SSS 2021-01-09
Eventually everybody will run out of time
Soniccandy. 2016-07-15
eventually everyone's gonna ***
缺市 2016-04-03
好看 有点cult意思。把一系列都找来看了,真的不错
查拉吐司糖 2019-11-14