僵尸岛屠杀原名:Zombie Island Massacre,
Americans on vacation in the Caribbean take a tour of a nearby island at night and watch a local voodoo ritual. Soon after, they find themselves stranded on the island and under attack by unseen foes. One by one they meet violent ends.
撕心 2016-09-17
*川 2022-02-19
稀碎,开头车灯很耀眼吧?That‘s all you can expect.
蛋生 2023-03-10
很铅黄,海报C位不是女主角,左下角金发大姐才是 多数恐怖片女主这类卖肉的都死的早,这部却活到了最后
发际线靠后 2023-08-08
除了Rita Jenrette一身好肉之外没啥看点了!
靈魂碎 2021-12-14
20211214周二 16:56僵尸和巫术都是托,实质是在商业交易
梦神 2022-08-21
苏 2023-04-16