周日休假原名:È pericoloso sporgersi,又名Sundays On Leave
It is late in the Ceausescu era in Romania, and Cristina is having a difficult time with her boyfriend. He wants her to have *** with him before he goes off to do his obligatory stint in the army. She wants him to marry her first. She also gets involved with a slightly rebellious actor, a would-be ladies' man. He has some vague plans to defect - could those be the reason he is ...
斯托科夫 2022-10-23
一伯昏。 Security and Securitate... 后齐奥塞斯库**的喜剧小品。 女孩想see the world以及**男孩抗击美国的预备(已有尼基与弗洛的前兆)。开头一段女孩在家打电话,颇有新浪潮风范——银幕外横向空间拓展,前中后景层次分明
胤祥 2020-03-31
[想看2013-06-27] 可以7分。内伊·卡兰费**作,确实还是有些稚嫩。今天看这部片子最大的意义大概就是破了一个悬案:蒙久的**作[幸福在西方]从主题到结构形式一定是从这部片子学来的。这么说吧俩片查重的话至少得有40%吧……尤其是互有关系的三段式的写法(包括如何建构不同角度拍摄的交叠的场景)。看卡兰费的例子,不难理解为何蒙久如此干净利落地转了型。还是出国/不出国/怎么出国之辩,***、男演员和即将退伍的士兵三个人物;第一段太弱了,后面两段还不错,男演员那段把误会用得相当有创意,也要数第二段比较精彩;而且有个特别好的梗(口误-秘密JC),士兵那段的结尾写得很棒。