宇宙小子 第四季原名:Steven Universe Season 4,又名神脐小卷毛(台)
A young boy takes his mother's place in a group of gemstone-based beings, and must learn to control his powers. This series is set in the fictional Beach ****, where ageless alien warriors, the Crystal Gems, live in an ancient beachside temple, protecting the world from evil. They ******* female humanoid forms from magical gemstones that are the core of their being. The Crystal...
Eigen艾莉森 2017-10-07
看着有时会想,这就是我有了小朋友后会一起看的动画了。说真的AT RS GF TAWOG之类的虽然小朋友也能看,但会错过大一点才能get到的点,但SU,是让我觉得很安心的动画,Steven一直在成长,体验长大必经的过程,保证主线足够精彩同时还去掉了AT的晦涩阴暗...总之这就是和画面一样温柔的作品啦!
艾棣 2017-03-07
Alaina 2017-02-15
绝望AT要完结了,希望su能挺段时间QAQ黄钻唱歌好听 很喜欢ed
潜入深水的鬼魂 2017-05-13
"I am ** mom. I am Rose Quartz." It's all been leading up to this moment, hasn't it?
👟 2023-04-14
一口气看完的全季 非常完整的剧情和线 也很深奥 在致郁的表层下治愈
poolofcrap 2019-01-01
虽然steven很惨但是不喜欢这种every is ** fault的想法
云朵面包酱橙子 2021-12-19
庭雲 2021-04-05
403巴蒂大副的书,404**练习,正视自己的情绪。最后那句I love you.真的是哭了
W. 2024-06-14
太好看了!!!!!!!主线太精彩了!!!!!海滩市的每个人都好好! 主线铺垫好长好细!!!!
豆友93394251 2018-05-16