

别名:与海融合 / Into the Blue

演员: 格拉西娅·菲利波维奇 Marija Kohn Vanesa Vidaković Natrlin Dominik Duždević Andro Režić




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蝉蜕 7.3
风筝 Karo Ghavami、Ramyar Qavami
1. الصغيرة/ 08-06
2. 龙虾晚餐/ 04-26
3. / 09-12
4. 人的本性/ 02-12
6. Toda mi alegría/ 03-03
7. 好久不见/ 07-30
9. 第二十条/ 04-27
10. 热辣滚烫/ 04-21
11. 孤注一掷/ 02-02
12. 学爸/ 10-14




浸入湛蓝原名:U Plavetnilo,又名与海融合、Into the Blue

After fleeing her violent father, 13-year-old Julija seeks comfort in her kindergarten friend Ana, who still lives on the island. But during a diving expedition, Ana only has eyes for her boyfriend. Feeling that she is increasingly being pushed away, Julija desperately struggles to gain recognition and attention. As her loneliness grows, her buried pain comes to the surface and...

胤祥 2022-10-30

2017柏林新生代K plus-**评审团特别表扬。跟导演后来拿到金摄影机的《海鳝》可以放在一起看,同一个女主演写得是不同方向的故事。这个写少女心态(友情又混合上真假掺半的雌性竞争)尤其准确细腻。这部也是海用得比较好的克罗地亚电影。 V站在线:【 https://v站****/436566474 】

momo 2023-02-19

3.5 细腻的。"After the card **** we can talk"; "why are you pushing our friendship" ; "We just need to talk (I just need you to love me ****)"

Ziggy 🇵🇸 2022-03-14

at lecinemaclub. teenage drama but very well shot

尤麦 2022-05-20


阿飞 2023-02-28

#Berlinale Hand-picked Shorts#@Festivalscope 一些青少年细腻的情感捕捉,关于妒忌关于萌发的情愫,虽然海的意象比去年看的《维拉梦见大海》用的更*繁,但从某种意义上说叙事必须依托大海实现,而且那些绝美的水下摄影和如水般的情绪流动毫无疑问都是加分项。手松给四星是没问题。

顾予美 2023-02-26


狗牙 2020-10-29


瓜灭 2022-03-10
