


演员: 苏西·布莱特 Rick Castro Durk Dehner Jack Fritscher Owen Keehnen




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像这样的夏天 拉里萨·科里韦、奥德·马修 5.9
跨越大西洋的恋人 Zina Zinchenko、Bobbi Jene Smith
1. 神样恶魔/ 02-22
3. 弯道/ 02-11
4. 谁是你爸爸/ 03-05
9. 学爸/ 10-14
10. 犯罪都市4/ 07-03
11. 海关战线/ 06-14
12. 功夫熊猫4/ 04-10




原始!无删减!视频!原名:Raw! Uncut! Video!,又名基情!無碼!一刀未剪!(台)

Raw. Uncut. Video. chronicles the rise and fall of homegrown *** **** studio Palm Drive Video, and explores how a devoted couple helped battle a devastating health crisis by promoting kinky ***. Legendary leatherman Jack Fritscher met Mark Hemry in 1979 at Harvey Milk's birthday ***** - and the two fell head over heels in love. When the **** epidemic swept through San Francisco...

**电影 2023-02-14

关于古早的Fetish **厂牌Palm Drive Video的纪录片,只拍solo,记录**奇奇怪怪的性**,模特们对在镜头前展示自己的性癖好有着无**热情,想猎奇一下的话,保准可以让你大开眼界了。

Doze 豆子 2021-10-05

**** and VHS: happened simultaneously Solo: the pleasure of being man alone was almost never emphasized Fetish: always followed by catharsis *** ****: the beginning of subjectifying man ****: *** has a history *** culture: express itself through ***

Westsun_ 2024-02-15


Francis Chiang 2023-08-16

这片子放到现在看也是相当炸裂的 3.5

Sirius 2021-10-24

*** has a history. 历史不该被遗忘, 科技的进步改变了每一个领域包括****