幽灵船VR原名:Ghost Fleet VR,
Directed by Shannon ******* and Jeffrey Waldron, "***** Fleet" delves into Thailand's fishing industry, which supplies a large portion of the world’s seafood. The country’s giant fishing fleet is chronically short of up to 60,000 fishermen per year, leaving captains scrambling to find crew. Human traffickers have seized upon the labor shortage, selling people from Myanmar, Thai...
胤祥 2020-06-03
#WeAreOne# VR。渔船奴工问题。夜景处理还行,有些代言的嫌疑……
阿飞 2020-06-08
#WeAreOne#58 VR Global Premiere 感觉像是给某个组织拍的宣传片…
momo 2020-06-01
Pincent 2020-06-02
7。#WeAreOne no.36 from SUNDANCE 切身感受当代被贩卖的奴隶渔民的经历和生活状况
狂疯暴雨 2021-05-04
Frances 2020-07-11