You Cannot Kill David Arquette在线观看和下载

You Cannot Kill David Arquette(2020)

演员: 大卫·阿奎特 柯特妮·考克斯 帕特丽夏·阿奎特 卢克·贝里 凯文·纳什




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《You Cannot Kill David Arquette》剧情内容介绍

《You Cannot Kill David Arquette》


You Cannot Kill David Arquette

In 2000, actor David Arquette infamously became the world wrestling champion as a promotion for his movie Ready to Rumble. He wasn’t prepared for the backlash. 20 years later, Arquette seeks redemption by returning to the ring… for real this time.

bugz 2020-09-11

自己主演的纪录片...所以纪实性真实性有点存疑,还是有相当成份的表演在其中吧。 3.5星,主体思绪还是对摔角这项运动(表演)的热爱吧。 努力奋斗,就能出成果。励志的

Andre加贝 2021-03-24
