已故的帕斯卡尔原名:Feu Mathias Pascal,又名The Late Mathias Pascal
Mathias Pascal, only son of a once rich family, marries beautiful Romalinda, who has a terrible mother-in-law. She controls her daughter, and soon his home life becomes a nightmare, as well as his *** as assistant librarian in his home town. His only moments of lights are his mother and his baby, but both *** on the same day. Shocked he leaves his hometown and gets to Monte Car...
吞云吐雾狮子兔 2024-08-14
这部默片实在是前卫,构图考究,摄影细致,故事情节丰富诙谐,看片名以为是个悲剧,结果收尾的时候把我给看笑 了, 帕斯卡恭喜自己获得新生。ps:男主的形象我总觉得他应该去演吸血鬼=.=
冲鸭 2021-08-29
吾以观复 2024-06-21
巽凌 2017-01-20
这么个故事前面能拖拖沓沓拍这么久,也就只有Marcel L'Herbier做得出来了…Cast:Lois Moran;Ivan Mozzhukhin;Pierre Batcheff;Marcelle Pradot P.S. 历史遗留问题⒇解决…
只抓住6个 2024-01-31
Marcel L'Herbier电影的set design经常能展现**新风,可惜他节奏感不大好,拖泥带水不干脆。艺术指导里有当时圈内知名的Lazare Meerson。居然还有慢镜头。
暂时被** 2020-06-04
Blanc 2019-09-09
有身份无自由,丧母丧女丧自尊; 无身份有自由,失利失爱失自我。