夜半屠杀原名:Half Past Midnight,
This is one of Wim Vink's earliest movies about a girl who gets bullied at school by her fellow classmates and after that goes completely wrong, she gets her revenge by killing them one by one in an extremely gruesome and bloody way. Wim Vink, Dutch director of horror movies such as Surrealism and Heaven is only in hell has made with Half past midnight probably his bloodiest an...
故乡的晨曦 2019-07-04
Gore赞 2020-05-18
校园暴力**片,wim vink最早的一部血溅作品,电锯女,但是从制作方面来看比较粗制滥造了,画质也渣,两星半吧
桥本学姐 2020-05-16