

别名:Monsters Crash the Pajama Party – Spook Show Spectacular

演员: Vic McGee Peter James Noto James Reason



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怪医汉普 Ricardo Bauleo、Gloria Prat 7.3
1. 魔鬼孩儿/ 07-10
6. 终极堕落/ 12-01
7. 幽浮人入侵/ 12-01
8. 学爸/ 10-14
9. 老板娘3/ 08-30
10. 末路狂花钱/ 06-08
11. 极寒之城/ 10-05
12. 制暴/ 01-04




妖魔鬼怪大派对原名:Monsters Crash the Pajama Party,又名Monsters Crash the Pajama Party – Spook Show Spectacular

A group of teenage girls spends the night in an old dark mansion as an initiation into a college sorority. What they don’t know is that the building is actually the headquarters for a mad scientist and his hunchbacked assistant, who are experimenting with turning humans into gorillas.

iamface 2013-10-29

opening credits是說出來的,畫面就是一隻大猩猩表演啞劇,加上音樂,感覺相當趣怪,電影大部份無聊胡鬧但某些還輕鬆攪笑,反而dvd內收錄的Spook Show Spectacular頗為精彩,有機會要找來看看