雪/女原名:不倫妻 情炎,又名Snow、Woman
A man is waiting alone in a snow-covered house deep in the mountains. the woman was supposed to meet him days before but she hasn`t arrived and the man waits on, believing that the woman will still come. As the hours pass the man`s mind slips in and out of reality as he fantasises on her and her sexuality. His body grows numb from the cold and he begins to drift from reality to...
熊仔俠 2014-04-29
🐷🐷卓 2020-09-22
~冰仔 2017-04-04
日本的聊斋志异 感觉这是作者在实现自己的梦想的作品吧 偶尔会出来一丝罗生门的错觉 支持这些有梦想的人 没想到在**还能遇到这么好玩的电影院 满足
Gore赞 2020-04-06
live 2021-12-18