哈哈哈哈哈"You wake up, deal with ****, then go back to sleep. There are some happy little moments in between. And one day, we ***." "Truth is like a dildo. You have to push it into people's assholes very slowly. If you shove it in hard, they will retract."
"You wake up, deal with ****, then go back to sleep. There are some happy little moments in between. And one day, we ***." "Truth is like a dildo. You have to push it into people's assholes very slowly. If you shove it in hard, they will retract." 真的是一本正经胡说八道。太好笑了。。。
豆咪 2019-11-23
是the good place那种扯闲淡片,有点意思可以看看,基本就是围绕着比人类有能耐的天使们*务愚蠢的人类,old style和new style的*务方式产生矛盾,大****在结尾不露脸出现,为下一季做了铺垫。
河口 2022-02-09
竟然还挺可爱的!这么一看好兆头那俩哪里能叫社畜,真正的社畜都是疯狂倒班全年无休8000年没体验过食物和**快乐还要被迫健身并时不时得担心脱发(毛)问题的好吧。或者甚至就是要被抓去充当永动机偶尔还要被摔断腿骨折都不能休息地被抓回来继续跑圈,简直“仓天”无眼XD**师和司机属实是终极工具人传话筒,我看理发师啊**师什么的也都可以。Greta超级讨喜,上司也比Jon Hamm可爱并且过于好糊弄,带天使们团建看单口时像极了我在白天刷网飞破烂喜剧的样子(别骂了Uli,别骂了)……不过的确分不清用永生重复看《音乐之声》还是看《天使之城》更痛苦😅 写挺好的笑点:agra-subo,consolo,punheta那几段,以及**人竟然真的会在剧里引用李斯佩克朵诶,第一次见。
livkim 2022-08-07
Wednesday 2020-10-22
鯨 2019-12-07
金枪河马罐头 2019-12-20
哈哈哈哈哈"You wake up, deal with ****, then go back to sleep. There are some happy little moments in between. And one day, we ***." "Truth is like a dildo. You have to push it into people's assholes very slowly. If you shove it in hard, they will retract."
旺仔小王子 2020-01-19
Janet Craig 2020-01-28
甜甜甜菜 2024-02-21
咸鱼 2019-12-09
"You wake up, deal with ****, then go back to sleep. There are some happy little moments in between. And one day, we ***." "Truth is like a dildo. You have to push it into people's assholes very slowly. If you shove it in hard, they will retract." 真的是一本正经胡说八道。太好笑了。。。