you pick up the pieces, but you'll never put them back together like they were before。
彌張 2011-05-12
恶隐息烙 2011-12-20
我唯一不能理解的,就是【open relationship】。
V_Lachesis 2011-08-03
It proves again that casting makes a short film watchable or not, open relationship is unacceptably tricky, and never give up a young dream for an old man. What else do you expect from 10 mins?
Hey Johnny 2011-05-28
傻乐的猫 2011-04-29
盗版无敌小强 2011-04-30
mOco 2011-11-19
cαし 2011-07-26
龙猫 2011-08-04
让我想起了the houseboy 也是 现在同类型电影太多太多了 不管什么题材的 给4星 是导演没有导出120分钟的电影 10分钟的短片够了 再来个开放式的结尾 就算是比较好了
阿垃垃圾花 2011-11-17
you pick up the pieces, but you'll never put them back together like they were before。
彌張 2011-05-12
恶隐息烙 2011-12-20
我唯一不能理解的,就是【open relationship】。
V_Lachesis 2011-08-03
It proves again that casting makes a short film watchable or not, open relationship is unacceptably tricky, and never give up a young dream for an old man. What else do you expect from 10 mins?