

演员: Laurent Jeanneau



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太阳总在左边 益西兰周、罗后杰 7.7
三节草 肖淑明 7.9
1. 哭泣的骆驼/ 06-06
2. 一路平安/ 10-04
9. 末路狂花钱/ 05-06
10. 周处除三害/ 03-02
11. 极寒之城/ 10-05
12. 学爸/ 10-14




小道音乐原名:Small Path Music,

For most of the last decade Laurent Jeanneau has been on an urgent mission to record as much as he can of the surviving music of ethnic minorities in South East Asia. Small Path Music takes us traveling in the field with Laurent. What drives him to these remote places? What does he find there?

A.ŋ 2015-11-07

没有填补我对片名的想象:小道音乐 Path Music

Homoviator 2015-11-06

东南亚的音乐 淳朴 可爱 美丽 音乐真是我们所拥有的无与伦**东西 最后乐器的消逝让人难过 但你仍可以将其视为美