污秽与愤怒原名:The Filth and the Fury,
If nothing else, this is the only *** Pistols film (there are now at least 3) to make explicit and in-depth reference to the band members' working class roots, and the way that experience informed their *******. This alone makes the film worth seeing, as it explodes the myth, fostered no doubt by their ** Barnum *******, Malcolm McLaren, that the whole ******* was an exercise i...
Supernova™ 2008-10-15
蘭女 2009-07-31
如果想了解真实的*** Pistols,这是最佳的一部电影。到最后John Lydon哽咽地说:I've lost ** friend...I couldn't change it...I was too young...它是如此真实的一部电影,如此真实的一群人
cccj.box 2013-12-12
五月. 2012-05-16
Doublebitch 2010-06-25
FiΙTн 2008-06-09
not just about the pistols,the punk rock,the movement,it's about history....
望帘 2024-09-04
Andor-Genesis 2006-09-06
比起 摇滚大** 此片是真正意义上关于*** Pistols的记录片,从乐队各个成员的童年,一直讲到乐队解散,其中穿插着出现了 DAvid Bowie,Alice Cooper,Roxy Music等乐队成员的采访和*** PisTols的若干精彩现场!~可惜此片当时看的是原版录象带,直到现在都没见到市面上有卖DVD碟的。有趣儿的是99年上映时,Robbie Williams竟然喝得酩酊大醉对着荧幕撒起尿来!~
El Guaje 2010-11-20