演员: Michael Madsen Jennifer Tisdale Rachel Hunter Gwendolyn Garver David Frank Fletcher Jr.
更新时间: 02-11 12:30
资源状态: 可播放
无耻的公牛原名:The Brazen Bull,又名Nictophobia。2010年惊悚类型片,创作于美国地区,具有英语语言版本。由Douglas Elford-Argent执导,并由Thomas Bilyeu、Chris Van de Polder任编剧,携幕后团队创作。集众多位Michael Madsen、Jennifer Tisdale、Rachel Hunter、Gwendolyn Garver、David Frank Fletcher Jr.、Nils Allen Stewart等著名实力派明星加盟。
An ice cold tale of misguided ambition and savage revenge. Set in the bowels of an iconic derelict Los Angeles high-rise, we follow Lauren and her real-estate investing fiancé as they discover first hand what happens when a madman leads not with emotion, but rather chilling rationality. The Man in question brings a heaping helping of sanity and jet-black humor to the crazy tabl...
林小虫. 2017-03-29