

别名:We the Poor

演员: Pedro Infante Blanca Estela Pavón Evita Muñoz Carmen Montejo Miguel Inclán


更新时间: 05-25 14:12

资源状态: 可播放



我们不是天使 尼古拉·科约、布兰卡·卡蒂奇 6.9
1. 障碍/ 09-19
3. 步枪/ 11-09
4. 燕子与山雀/ 09-09
10. 角斗士2/ 01-08
11. 唐探1900/ 03-07
12. 忠犬八公/ 10-12




我们穷人原名:Nosotros, los pobres,又名We the Poor

Two kids take a book from a trash can. They begin to read the story of a poor neighborhood in Mexico ****. Carpenter Pepe "El Toro" (Infante) lives with his daughter Chachita (Munoz) and woos pretty "Chorreada" (Pavon). Around them, a group of fellows live their lives in many ways: a pair of always-drunk women known as "La Tostada" (The Toast) and "La Guayaba" (The Guava); a be...

L'llariit 2022-01-14

虚构出一个社区,其中有一位将成为“湿背人”,何为或如何定义“我们”,谁能引领并打造“我们”,音乐元素和默片字卡(阅读体验)般的引导和塑造,初看观感不如在此两方面简单得多的comedia ranchera

只抓住6个 2018-06-06


Q 2021-02-02

7206 week2 Melodrama , <Mexican Mmelodramas of Patriarchy> .