别名:Cheese Head / Cara de queso 'mi primer ghetto'
演员: Felipe Colombo Nicolás Condito Sergio Denis Inés Efron Daniel Hendler
我的第一个贫民区原名:Cara de queso,又名Cheese Head、Cara de queso 'mi primer ghetto'
Year 1993. Ariel and his family spend their summers in an idyllic Jewish country club. An exploration into the ties that bind in an Argentinean Jewish community.
L'llariit 2021-04-12
20位主角?的轻喜剧,外部环境是债务危机,封闭犹太社区内条条框框,是理想化或是现实化儿童和**两个世界难有交集,对比对象为daniel burman,彩蛋是导演父母卖掉房子筹资拍摄
B.Blanca 2018-03-05
三星半,俏皮可爱的阿根廷儿童电影,那时的Nahuel Pérez Biscayart好小~