瓦拉内:冠军命运原名:Varane: Destin de champion,
This season follows the evolution of Raphaël Varane’s exceptional career, from his debut at RC Lens to his winning streak at Real Madrid, and to his triumph at the 2018 World Cup with the French team. It dives into the daily life and struggles of this pro athlete with an outstanding professional rigor, who managed to always remain humble and discreet, far from the stereotypes o...
草山山 2021-08-29
学霸这种成熟稳重的**型球员太招人喜欢了 祝在我魔一切顺利🔴
macca 2020-05-17
Anita 2020-07-22
张海盐 2024-01-13
“一个中后卫 不懂得对抗 不懂得犯规 甚至不会使坏 但他根本不需要这些啊” 不是团蜜抬蜜发髻蜜 喜欢瓦郎也很正常🫰🏼
Id Five 2023-05-14
´** j’ai encore envie de rêver.’ 有天赋有定力,努力谦逊又腼腆,destined to success and be loved,真是被造物主眷顾的迷人人类
Allison 2022-12-21
Jenny 2020-06-27