Why Be Good? Sexuality & Censorship in Early Cinema在线观看和下载

Why Be Good? Sexuality & Censorship in Early Cinema(2007)

演员: 戴安·琳恩 Leatrice Joy Gilbert A.C. Lyles Chris Basinger Jeanine Basinger




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《Why Be Good? Sexuality & Censorship in Early Cinema》剧情内容介绍

《Why Be Good? Sexuality & Censorship in Early Cinema》


Why Be Good? Sexuality & Censorship in Early Cinema原名:Why Be Good? Sexuality & Censorship in Early Cinema,

Trace the fascinating history of *** and sin in early cinema through rare archival footage and revealing interviews with Mary Pickford, Gloria Swanson, Louise Brooks and many others. Narrated by Diane Lane (Unfaithful, The Perfect Storm), Why Be Good? Sexuality & Censorship in Early Cinema also features Douglas Fairbanks, Rudolph Valentino, Clara Bow, Marlene Dietrich and Barbr...

appletri 2012-07-18


bayer04 2011-01-17

居然是narrated by Diane Lane,她声音真好听。