Described as an answer to Fassbinder’s The Marriage of Maria Braun, Fraulein tells the story of a German woman and a former French prisoner of war living in 1950s Germany. Instead of playing a role in rebuilding her country, Haneke’s ******* remains preoccupied with her personal affairs. Shot predominantly in black and white (with a color sequence added toward the end), Fraulei...
Virgil 2022-05-19
阿妙妙 2023-11-22
一名女电影放映员的战后伤痕记;从**回来半死不活的丈夫、偷盗后被击毙的儿子、远嫁的女儿,缺乏沟通不能独活的她仅有**和电影来排解寂寞;《吹牛大王历险记》首尾呼应,从黑白到彩色,从灰暗到光明,大笑之后生活仿佛重燃希望;前后穿插剪辑并以电影海报《伊甸园之东》《虎将歼霸战》《谎言 *** Lüge》等来展现了时间跨度和背后深意,颇具小心思;