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When Love Grows Cold(1926)

别名:Quando o Amor Esfria(巴西) / Kvindehaderen(丹麦)

演员: 娜塔莎·兰波娃 克里夫·布洛克 萨姆·哈迪 Kathryn Carver John Gough

上映时间:1926-01-31(美国) / 1927-03-07(英国) / 1929-08-30(丹麦)



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《When Love Grows Cold》剧情内容介绍

《When Love Grows Cold》


When Love Grows Cold又名Quando o Amor Esfria(巴西)、Kvindehaderen(丹麦)

Margaret has given up her stage career to marry inventor Jerry Benson. Jerry fails to impress oil executive William Graves with his idea, but Margaret has better luck when she catches Graves' attention and she both makes the sale and becomes the object of Graves' obsession. Profits from the invention make the Bensons wealthy; however Graves schemes to steal Margaret from Jerry ...