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West of Shanghai(1937)

演员: 波利斯·卡洛夫 Beverly Roberts 里卡多·柯兹 戈登·奥利弗 希拉·布罗姆利




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《West of Shanghai》相关推荐

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《West of Shanghai》剧情内容介绍

《West of Shanghai》


West of Shanghai

The movie tells the story of a ***** of Westerners who fall into the clutches of a renegade Chinese warlord, Wu Ynfang, played by Boris Karloff, anticipating his Mr. Wong series at Monogram Studios later in the decade. Like his Bad Man antecedents, Fang's characterization is semicomic. He turns out to be essentially honorable and dispatches the real villain of the piece before ...

plutoth 2016-01-22

在我喜欢的电影领域里,从头捋的话Boris Karloff的Fang**是继Lon Chaney的Yen Sin(和他的Mister Cat)之后,演的最好也是最立体的“华人”角色。