We Still Live Here又名Âs Nutayuneân
Live Here - Âs Nutayuneân is the story of the revitalization of the Wampanoag language, the first time a language with no native speakers has been revived in this country. The Wampanoag’s ancestors ensured the survival of the Pilgrims in New England, and lived to regret it. Nevertheless, through resilience and courage they kept their identity alive and remained on their ancestr...
定庚波子 2022-04-12
Good. 有一些危险的想法:在中国的语境下,少数民族是怎么生存的?他们怎么保存自己的语言,有没有人帮助他们?这周末看了话剧Antigonx,从中感受到的态度是少数民族与政府的对立性。两者有没有可能共存?
果蔬橙 2016-06-17
打蛋记得加盐 2024-02-27
失落的语言重新拥有了新世纪第一名母语者 一个女孩 一个语言学家的女儿。有机会一定要学一些linguistics…