瓦尔·鲁顿:阴影中的人原名:Val Lewton: The Man in the Shadows,又名Martin Scorsese Presents: Val Lewton – The Man in the Shadows
Val Lewton: The Man in the Shadows (also known as Martin Scorsese Presents: Val Lewton – The Man in the Shadows) is a documentary tribute to Val Lewton, the producer of a series of distinctive low-budget horror films for RKO Radio Pictures, presented and narrated by director Martin Scorsese.
Qtn 2019-06-29
本以为马丁是在拍《禁闭岛》的同期对Val Lewton兴趣**所以搞了这纪录片,结果发现纪录片其实早了不少年。马丁虽然受了点Lewton影响但两人气质完全不一样啊,Lewton忧郁马丁躁狂,你看《禁闭岛》里小李子多能折腾。(P. S. 这纪录片拍得比马丁自己拍的那些影史纪录片差远了,举了一大堆片例结果连剧情都没交代清楚)