我们是船原名:We Are Boats,
Lives intertwine and connect when Francesca navigates through the living world by encountering strangers at the exact moment she needs to, sending their lives on either a better course towards happiness or setting the wheels in motion towards a tragic end- All while she secretly searches for a loved one that she never had the chance to say goodbye to.
** 2019-05-08
1)https://shilfa****/unitedkingdom/father-writes-his-own-heartbreaking-obituary-to-warn-others-about-smoking/ ………… 2)https://***.gvm****.**/article.html?id=55987 …………………… 3)https://***.gvm****.**/article.html?id=60743 甘吝那布炒基掰****,愚蠢到臭菸**放入口,菸草等同**,可笑全球禁毒不禁菸,希冀菸在世界上销声匿迹!!己所不欲,无施于人,自食其果,终将泯灭!(*****)
arimaspu 2019-05-13
wzy8103 2019-05-10
S04Kumpel 2024-12-03
We Are Boats @2019-05-04 00:19:40
💰大奔哥💃 2019-05-28