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Warp Vision(2004)

演员: 艾费克斯双胞胎 朱尼克斯 伊诺西恩 纲高向井 基兰·沙阿 Carl Antolin




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《Warp Vision》剧情内容介绍

《Warp Vision》


Warp Vision

WarpVision: The Videos 1989-2004 is a DVD released by British record label Warp Records on September 27, 2004, which features most of the music videos produced for their artists in the 1989-2004 period. It is the first DVD collection coming from Warp Records, and the major part of the videos included are shown for the first time in a DVD format.    Packaging and internal menus ar...

Lucide 2013-12-20

****://***.***********/watch?v=A7DlMlnWtEE ****://***.***********/watch?v=eOzWrJ6nPIo ****://***.***********/watch?v=B-US91WU8zA 这几个贾维斯导演的mv都挺不明觉厉的。把他的东西补完明年就move on了

Enid 2008-12-05

3.5 stars 有点不平均,有Jarvis fine art film学成的历史作品

Nexus-6 2008-11-08

其实那张Mix CD还真是不错,Video更喜欢高科技十足的,不喜欢太病态的