A ***** young officer straight from school arrives on the Western front to fight the air war against the Germans. However, the life expectancy of green pilots is not very good.
so only one week, not two weeks like Crawford said…didn't expect Gresham would be the survivor…forbidden from parachutes…I like Uncle and really don't want him to ***, every squadron needs someone nicknamed Uncle…good boys always *** fast…so others came and had to *** too…
搜游子 2023-06-12
VCD二碟 (LDtoVCD)译名:碧血长空争霸战
PeƆoyotezone 2024-09-06
从战壕挪到空军营,自作主张的加了不少情节,以及战斗大场面和集体生活画像,在保留原剧内核的同时又兼顾了此片种的传统卖点,说不上喜欢这些改动,但还是被结尾征*了-没有幽闭,也无寂静,只有笼罩在明媚胶片下的森森鬼气和白昼间驻足于少校窗外的亡魂。一派朦胧的安逸氛围里,阳光下除了乡村景致和**精神,还有燃烧着的飞行员从半空划落。欢闹喧嚣的派对甚至成了一种extreme youth的写照,预示了徒劳无功的荣耀与死亡。这版选角贴,可惜情感深度和人物塑造都不太有,马尔科姆还像是从校舍片里走出来的刺儿头
sarah🇺🇦 2016-07-05
RFC和Luftstreitkräfte相愛相殺。。去battlefield找被擊落的德國飛行員回squadron玩那裡超好玩的(算了,不劇透太多,自己看吧。。最愛這種幼稚鬼。。POW? 呵呵。。// 現在發現BE越來越難cope。。。難受。。
妖藻 2013-03-17
Favillae 2016-07-06
so only one week, not two weeks like Crawford said…didn't expect Gresham would be the survivor…forbidden from parachutes…I like Uncle and really don't want him to ***, every squadron needs someone nicknamed Uncle…good boys always *** fast…so others came and had to *** too…