涨跌互现 第一季 第一季原名:Up&Down Season 1,
Alfa and Omega are two elevator operators and are tasked with guiding guests to their destiny. Their condition is to live in a kind of limbo, a strange world with very strict rules and from which they absolutely want to get out. Alfa is **** experienced and true to duty, Omega is on his first day on the ***, he is restless and creates problems. He will discover on his first jou...
刘康康 2022-10-19
在意大利驻华使馆文化中心看的。意大利****的故事。想法挺有趣。死者灵魂坐电梯,电梯*务员是****,根据死者生前做的事,判断死者灵魂是上天堂(UP )还是下地狱(DOWN)。但故事编得奇奇怪怪的,看完不知道要表达什么?青少年教育片?