Unmistaken Hands: Ex Voto F.H.在线观看和下载

Unmistaken Hands: Ex Voto F.H.(2013)

别名:Fragments and Motifs from the Writings of Felisberto Hernández




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《Unmistaken Hands: Ex Voto F.H.》相关推荐

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《Unmistaken Hands: Ex Voto F.H.》剧情内容介绍

《Unmistaken Hands: Ex Voto F.H.》


Unmistaken Hands: Ex Voto F.H.又名Fragments and Motifs from the Writings of Felisberto Hernández

Hernández' life and work was the subject of the short film Unmistaken Hands: Ex Voto F.H by the animation filmmakers the Quay Brothers. The short was inspired in particular by the Hernández short stories "The Balcony" and "The Flooded House" and is available to view as part of the British Film Institute's Blu-ray collection of the Quays films.

paradiso 2017-09-12



#BFI 影片探讨了探讨了魔幻现实主义之父Felisberto Hernandez的生活和作品,依然是超现实主义定格动画,整体的**呈现不太喜欢,主要是剪辑有些时候感觉怪怪的,对于空间的塑造效果感觉没有那么好,水在影片中起到了重要的作用,开场就展示了一艘船,感觉随后上涨的水提前预示了死亡,水面航行时也非常奇妙,大特写下的水面反射似乎讲述了两人的关系,结尾处的**似乎从开始的观察就已经可以预见,那似乎是一段记忆,在孤独间被唤起,影片中音效的使用也可以证明这点,蝉鸣与蛐蛐的声音预示着时间,而很多时候并不与**画面所对应,预示着一些都似乎是虚幻。而片名中的Ex Voto和FH指代也都很直白。