

别名:La Voce / Voiceless

演员: 哈里·斯坦德乔夫斯基 马克·拉布雷什 Miro Lacasse Catherine Ruel Julie De Lafrenière




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非洲袋鼠 克洛德·佩隆、提伯·范登博尔 6.3
召唤 Parimal Damai、Devi Damai
1. 死神时刻/ 12-01
2. 无意冒犯/ 12-01
3. 球王再临/ 12-01
4. 悲惨世界/ 12-19
5. 警笛/ 01-31
6. 柠檬综合症/ 05-10
8. / 09-02
9. 学爸/ 10-14
10. 老板娘3/ 08-30
11. 末路狂花钱/ 06-08
12. 极寒之城/ 10-05




屠宰场歌剧夜原名:La Voce,又名La Voce、Voiceless

La Voce is inspired by Donizetti's opera, Lucia Di Lammermoor, and the Silent Film era. It is a satiric fable that tells the story of Edgar, a butcher who works in slaughterhouse that kills pigs on an industrial scale. He loves his ***. He loves to sing opera, despite his awful off-key singing voice. And above all he loves Ginette, the stripper of his dreams. However, the day w...

深夜声噎 2017-09-27


青山羊先生 2017-10-14


三岛由纪妻 2017-10-02

不想当人类了 垃圾 如果可以我还是想当一个飞机