天使之声:自由童声合唱团原名:Angel Voices: Libera in Concert,
This is a registration of a concert in the medieval Pieterskerk of Leiden (Netherlands) by UK Libera boy's choir, singing well-known hits like "Adoramus", "Going Home", "Far Away", "Do Not Stand", "Lachrymosa" and other (semi-)religious songs. The quality of the boy's voices is not in doubt; it is of the highest standard, albeit with a lot of New Age music. Less so, may be said...
小芥末 2020-09-06
晝夜詩想[粵] 2024-08-07
珈琲貓少女 2020-11-24
Moss大妖 2009-01-06
鹅在我头上 2013-12-07
Eyenicy 2019-10-21
The darkness deepens Lord with me abide Earth's joys grow dim Its glories pass away
Lilith 2012-04-12
Suzu 2011-08-31
Jan. 2009-09-08
"Venite spiritu ** emitte caelitus"—angels coming from the heaven come to bless U ...Best wishes to all LIBERANs, ** dearest angels^^...